• Codemasters ist heute in Hamburg & macht eine kleine Preview.


    - wie man aus Bildern entnehmen kann wird es sehr viel mit individuellen Sachen zu tun haben was man alles verändern kann.

    - man kann durch Online Rennen sich auch andere virtuelle Skins freischalten.


    - Highlight Funktion, Replay Funktion. Wie genau das funktioniert wird man noch sehen bzw erfahren.

    Klingt für eine Liga zum Vorteil für wichtige Vorfälle & man kein separates Aufnahmeprogramm laufen haben muss.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Klingt erstmal ganz cool aber ich denke man muss bei den Formulierungen vorsichtig sein (Realität vs. Erwartungen).

    So wie ich mit den individuellen Lackierung deute wird es am Ende ein paar Vorlagen geben und dort kann man die Farbe individuell wählen. Das ist nett aber eine super fancy EASYdoesit Lackierung wäre damit nicht möglich.

    Die Highlights klingen für mich ziemlich cool. Da kann man zukünftig mit wenig Aufwand viel Content kreieren. Ich glaube es nicht aber theoretisch könnte es da am Ende darauf hinauslaufen, dass man aber nur ein Highlightvideo erhält und kein Video vom ganzen Rennen und/oder das ganze funktioniert nur Offline.

    Am Ende sind das auch nur Vermutungen aber ich will nur ein bisschen dafür sensibilisieren was da steht, was man meist hineininterpretiert und was es aber letztlich auch nur bedeuten könnte.

  • Na dann lassen wa uns ma überraschen, was CM diesmal so raushaut :whistling:

    Cool finde ich schonma, dass man sein Fahrzeug nach seinen Wünschen gestalten und man die Fahrer so am besten von einander unterscheiden kann :thumbup:

    schreit nach einem VR46 Formula1 wenns geht

  • As a service to its most dedicated and loyal community of players, Codemasters is introducing dedicated league racing integration into its online offerings. League racing organizers of all types will have the ability to form their own leagues from within the game itself without the need of using external websites or forums. This also applies to how drivers themselves sign-up for events too, as it’s now all handled directly in the game – and F1 2019 will also track how often you show up to races and highlight this on your profile as your attendance rating, which can be viewed by other players.

    “We see a lot of people taking part in leagues, it’s also very much a little community that deal with things through their forums, their websites and things like that, so we wanted to allow players to get into races in the game through leagues as well,” Mather explains. “So now, for example, if I know that on Thursday night in the week, I don’t have anything planned and I want to play some Formula 1, I can look for a league that runs in my region on Thursday night, does races on the sort of tracks I like, the sort of distance I like, and I can apply to the race in that league. And then if a league owner wants me in there and I’ve been accepted, then I can take part in those races. So, it’s now giving players who traditionally maybe shied away from that area because they couldn’t find races that suited their schedule [a fair chance], you know, we can now manage all of that from within the game.”

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  • As a service to its most dedicated and loyal community of players, Codemasters is introducing dedicated league racing integration into its online offerings. League racing organizers of all types will have the ability to form their own leagues from within the game itself without the need of using external websites or forums. This also applies to how drivers themselves sign-up for events too, as it’s now all handled directly in the game – and F1 2019 will also track how often you show up to races and highlight this on your profile as your attendance rating, which can be viewed by other players.

    “We see a lot of people taking part in leagues, it’s also very much a little community that deal with things through their forums, their websites and things like that, so we wanted to allow players to get into races in the game through leagues as well,” Mather explains. “So now, for example, if I know that on Thursday night in the week, I don’t have anything planned and I want to play some Formula 1, I can look for a league that runs in my region on Thursday night, does races on the sort of tracks I like, the sort of distance I like, and I can apply to the race in that league. And then if a league owner wants me in there and I’ve been accepted, then I can take part in those races. So, it’s now giving players who traditionally maybe shied away from that area because they couldn’t find races that suited their schedule [a fair chance], you know, we can now manage all of that from within the game.”

    jetzt noch dedicated Server und wir haben ein Paradies.

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    kann hier auch drinnen stehen.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    As a service to its most dedicated and loyal community of players, Codemasters is introducing dedicated league racing integration into its online offerings. League racing organizers of all types will have the ability to form their own leagues from within the game itself without the need of using external websites or forums. This also applies to how drivers themselves sign-up for events too, as it’s now all handled directly in the game – and F1 2019 will also track how often you show up to races and highlight this on your profile as your attendance rating, which can be viewed by other players.

    Naja, auch erstmal gucken wie das wieder umgesetzt wird. Online-Meisterschaft hatte auch ein gewisses Potential, ist aber noch nie so richtig nützlich geworden, da es zu wenig Freiheiten und Features gab.