gibt ja keine reine Indy Road Serie, ist ja gemixt mit ovalen. Mir soll egal sein was kommt, man kann ja eh selbst entscheiden was man kauft und was nicht.

iRacing Informationsthread
Ich fahre gerne das Indycar auf Roadstrecken (und natürlich im Indy 500) und es macht schon mega Spaß. Aber ja, du hast recht, es fehlt eine reine Indycar-Road Serie, die Mischung mit den Ovalen is komplett unsinnig wenn es eine extra Oval Serie gibt (als Draufgabe sind die Ovalrennen in der Road-Serie sogar länger als in der Oval Serie...)
Da müssen sie echt nochmal nachdenken, aber das is ja leider nicht sie Stärke von iRacing
klingt vllt blöd aber mir würde eine europäische Road IndyCar Serie gefallen
ich glaube trotzdem das der dw12 einfach zu uninteressant für die meisten ist, der neue Renner sieht ja besser aus und fährt sich wohl spritziger, vllt gibt es dann eine reine Road Serie.
der fährt sich angeblich schwerer, was man so von echten Fahrern mal gehört hat. soll halt mehr Untersteuern haben und mehr hin und her rutschen
Oriol Servia wrote:“But the car – yeah, it was a real handful, and that’s good! It’s the most difficult we’ve found anywhere in these four tests, and man, it was so loose. So loose. And that’s what the good drivers wanted, right?
“It’s going to make the teams have to find totally new setups. The streetcourse setups for the last three years will not work at all with this car, so everyone’s going to have to go back to the drawing board to make this car work.”
“This car – it’s how it should be. At the wheel, you feel it sliding around under braking, and it’s so loose on power-down out of the corners. The drivers are going to have to work again, and learn how to be progressive on the throttle.”hoffentlich wird das IndCar in iRacing dann genauso
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24h Daytona livestream von -
Bei Teamrennen gibt es nun auch irating:
Zitat von Tony Gardner
Good day,
I thought I would make a post in regard to the new or updated content that will be in the build next week. Some of it you might know about and some you may not.
Two new LMP1 cars: The Porshe 919 Hybrid and the Audi R18 etron Quatrro. These two new cars will run in two new Lemans Series, an individual series and a team series with an LMP2 and a GTE Class. iRacing LeMans Series and iRacing Lemans Endurance Series. The Lemans Series will run every two hours with a 12-week schedule. 60-90 minute races as a regular official series. Then, every other week we will run the iRacing Lemans Endurance Series with 2-time slots. Saturday at 7:00GMT and Saturday at 19:00GMT. These are 6-hour sessions, and they are team events.
A new Indycar: The Indycar IR-18! We think you will really enjoy this car; our testers definitely are enjoying it. If you purchased the existing DW12 Indy car in the last six months, we would grant you full credit of $11.95. We also will be granting the existing DW12 Indycar free to all members.
New Dirt Track: Limaland Motorsports Park! This Quarter-Mile track is located in Northwest Ohio, and we also will include a night version.
New Dirt Track at Charlotte! A 4/10 mile Dirt Track located across the street from the Charlotte Motor Speedway and will include a night version.
New GRC Circuit: Sonoma
A rescanned and revised version of Pocono: If you own the existing Pocono track, you will get this for free. The old Pocono will be granted to every member for free.
FYI, we do have a new road course in the works (and many other content additions/updates) that is nearing completion, but it was not ready for this build, unfortunately.
We have videos in the works this week for all this content that will be out on the build.
Good racing!Hmm, richtig cool
Der LDF rear wing sieht genial aus!
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Bin ehrlich gesagt etwas enttäuscht, hatte mir einen Leistungsstärkeren Formel Renner erwartet. Ist ja nur eine kleine Steigerung zum Formula Renault.
Es war die rede von "Open wheelers"
Jo, der Pro Mazda soll ja noch erneuert werden, wurde vorher schon angekündigt das sie an dem Auto arbeiten. Ist halt nie die Rede davon gewesen das zwei im Dezember Build sein werden. Deswegen mal schauen, nur der F3 wäre extrem bitter, da muss was besseres kommen.
Doch Steve Meyers hat von open wheelers gesprochen. Und Tyler von einem großen Coup im Hinblick auf die Road to Pro.
Hmm, mal schauen.
Good day,
We previously have discussed several significant projects that are in development as many people want to know for various reasons. As we draw near to the quarterly build the week of December 3rd, here is an update.
Time of Day, AI mode, the new Damage Model, V7 Tires, new Sound Engine and many other things for that matter, are all in alpha testing which means they are in advanced stages of development. However, they are still in active development which means it is decision time.
Time of Day/Moving Clouds/etc. We are still confident this makes the December build, just a couple little things still to do on both the web and sim side. The team has been working weekends to pull it into the build, it was a big project. A few more things we also still will do after it releases FYI. It is looking awesome, we think you will agree when you see it. It will come with a date and time picker in hosted. You will be able to speed up the day/night by up to 8X if you want. It will be great having this feature for the endurance races coming early next year and just overall adds significantly to the immersion, dynamics of the racing and realism. I’ll ask the guys to put out a video next week. HDR will be a follow-up and not part of this build. HDR is actually done but we ran out of time to test it in combination with Time of Day.
The new XAudio 2 sound engine is fully integrated into the sim in alpha, but we have not finished optimizing it and debugging it. We also want to take advantage of the improved capabilities now that we have it. Right now it is just playing the existing sounds which will not be a noticeable improvement to most, in fact, some cars will not sound as good since they were tweaked for a different system. Our engineers and sound engineer will now have the opportunity to improve and better remix many more sounds. There is frankly no reason to release it other than to say we did. Therefore, we will not put this in the December build, unfortunately. Once we get everything working as we want along with adding all the new sounds the sounds guys have been dying to implement, we think you all will be quite happy.
V7 tires are in alpha and the feedback is very promising. We have been working hard on this project, not that us working hard on them makes you feel any better, you want them released. I’m just noting we are doing all we can to speed progress along. However, there are still a couple of things we want to do. Rather than put out another version now, possibly requiring everyone to adjust their car setups and then another version in March, we are going to hold off releasing in this build. We also only have them on a few cars at this point and need to get them on a broader range of cars.
The new Damage Model, we have known this would not make this build for a long time, but we are making significant progress. This probably still has the longest way to go of the things mentioned here.
AI, this is not to the point we want to release in this build. We considered putting it out in a beta version but opted against that. It already is very fun by all accounts but there is still a few distracting issues that need to be cleaned up. It also just gives us more time to keep making it better overall.
We fully understand the desire to release all of these things and want nothing more to do just that. We could release just about all of them now and pronounce them beta versions, but we feel nothing is to be gained by that in all of these circumstances. After all the effort and how excited we are about these features, we would prefer to come out of the gate with our best foot forward.
We are making tremendous progress and you will get to experience some of it the build. Time of Day, two new free tracks (Tskuba and Roval), Formula 3 car, maybe another surprise car you might hear about soon , and some new things we have not discussed yet like a new crowd system at every track. We are also on pace to get the Chili bowl (our first enclosed track) released before the actual race in January but it will not be in the actual early December build. We are not trying to hype anything or make excuses, just trying to communicate. There is also much more in the works than I have touched on above and some exciting announcements are coming as well.
Happy Holidays and good racing!Also am ende kommt weniger in das Dezember Build als gedacht, auf der einen Seite schade weil die anderen Sachen teils überfällig sind aber auf der anderen Seite auch verständlich weil man es richtig machen möchte.
Neben dem F3 wird es noch ein weiteres Auto geben, persönlich hatte ich sogar auf mehr gehofft, finde das geht bei iRacing teilweise einfach zu langsam voran, wenn ich das mit den anderen Simulationen vergleiche. Raceroom ist das definitiv überlegen was die Aktualität betrifft, leider aber auch keine wirkliche Alternative.
Naja, der F3 Wagen wird definitiv gekauft