Assetto Corsa Informationsthread

  • 1.7.1
    - Reverted HideApps command key (CTRL+H)
    - Fixed headlights auto-switch with foggy weather
    - Levante brake disks, damage zones and seatbelts fixed
    - F138 mirrors fixed
    - Fixed ChatApp issue when TIME_TO_LOSE_FOCUS was defined
    - Fixed a possible desync at multiplayer start
    - Fixed potential divide by zero in ERS
    - Tweaked skid sound pitch and volume for Maserati Levante
    - Finetuned crossfade at high rpms for Ferrari SF15-T
    - Shared Memory new members
    - SPageFileStatic
    - int hasDRS = 0;
    - int hasERS = 0;
    - int hasKERS = 0;
    - float kersMaxJ = 0;
    - int engineBrakeSettingsCount = 0;
    - int ersPowerControllerCount = 0;
    - SPageFilePhysics
    - float performanceMeter = 0;
    - int engineBrake = 0;
    - int ersRecoveryLevel = 0;
    - int ersPowerLevel = 0;
    - int ersHeatCharging = 0;
    - int ersIsCharging = 0;
    - float kersCurrentKJ = 0;
    - int drsAvailable = 0;
    - int drsEnabled = 0;
    - float brakeTemp[4];
    - python new functions and members
    - added new members to getCarState (see
    - getCarEngineBrakeCount(carid)
    - getCarPowerControllerCount(carid)
    - Updated server plugin example to reflect protocol changes in ACSP_LAP_COMPLETED
    - Fixed autoclutch cars not starting if clutch pedal is pressed down

  • 1.7.2
    - Fixed Oculus VR blurriness with PP on. Also fixed missing glare and godrays effects.
    - Improved graphics smoothing for rigid bodies
    - Improved SF15-T engine power delivery and gear ratios
    - Fixed setup bugs in Maserati GranTurismo MC GT4
    - Fixed wrong values in SF15-T Heave dampers
    - Improved ERS simulation in McLaren P1
    - Pit Box Indicator is visible only if player is in the pitline
    - Fixed Race Position App when used on several game modes
    - Shared Memory new members
    - SPageFileStatic
    - float trackSPlineLength = 0;
    - wchar_t trackConfiguration[33];

  • 1.7.4
    - Fixed AI sometimes pitting at the last lap
    - Heave springs are now using rod length from suspension if not in monoshock mode
    - Improved AI at race starts
    - Levante rim size fixed
    - Huracan GT3 and ST pit light fixed
    - now acServerManager manages drs_zones.ini files
    - Removed dedicated VR driver eyes positions
    - Fixed F138 and SF15-T wrong range of damper values in setup screen
    - Fixed F138 and SF15-T main body angle of attack viualizzation in WINGS app (no differences in aero performance)
    - Improved ERS for McLaren P1, now with 2 profiles, race and charging.
    - Nissan GT-R Nismo now uses automatic clutch
    - Fixed tyre smoke remaining visible after remote car disconnected
    - DRS now automatically closes when outside of DRS zone

  • Tobias zu deinem Problem mit den Knöpfen - die Lösung heißt kabellose Tastatur und etwas, wo du die draufstellen kannst :coolface:

    Aber ich auch muss sagen, mich hat das Red Pack vollends überzeugt. Der Red Bull Ring ist klasse, auch wenn ich die gelben Baguette-Wurst-was auch immer-Kerbs viel zu human finde. Wenn man sich anschaut, wie hoch die in der Formel 1 vor ein paar Wochen waren, dann kann man hier auch mit dem SF15-T noch ohne Probleme drüber, ohne groß Traktion zu verlieren, geschweige denn das Auto.
    Der SF15-T, weltklasse. Man muss wirklich mit der Energie haushalten, auf der Outlap auf Energiespar fahren und dann volle Pulle die Hotlap. Im Renntrimm in Spielberg kam ich so 6-7 Runden mit balanced high und einer Recovery von 60% ganz gut hin, dann hieß es entweder Recovery rauf oder auf balanced low, was die Reifentemperaturen dann oft auch humanisierte. Hatte auch schon einige tolle Public Rennen mit dem Gefährt auch auf mixed Servern mit dem F138, konnte jenen trotz bessere Pace hinter mir halten, weil man auf der Geraden die Elektro-Zusatzpower einfach spürt und der niedrigere Anpressdruck dort auch "hilft". Fahrverhalten scheint mir auch relativ realistisch, man muss schon aufpassen in den unteren Gängen mit dem starken Drehmoment des V6-Hybrids, aber man gewöhnt sich recht schnell dran.
    Der F138, im Grundsetup sehr einfach zu fahren, aber wenn man wirklich ans Limit will, muss man insbesondere in Spa mit der Downforce runter und irgendwann kommt das Auto auch mal, wenn man nicht aufpasst.
    Ferrari 488 GT3, auch ein sehr cooles Fahrzeug, was vor allem mit deiner Power überzeugt. An der Balance und am Setup muss ich noch arbeiten, da bin ich noch nicht so richtig schlau draus geworden.

    Zu dem Rest kann ich nicht viel sagen, bin die nur sehr wenig gefahren, aber die 10 Euro sind es einfach nur wert, schon alleine weil die Public Server auch mal mit F1 Wagen laufen ^^

  • Tobias zu deinem Problem mit den Knöpfen - die Lösung heißt kabellose Tastatur und etwas, wo du die draufstellen kannst

    Das wäre kein Problem, aber beim tasten einstellen konnte ich keine Tastatur Tasten auswählen!? Aber abgesehen davon bin ich am Renn fahren und ich konzentrire mich aufs fahren und will nicht nach "jeder" Kurve/Runde rüber zu meiner Tastatur schauen. Gerade im Zweikampf stelle ich mir das sehr blöd vor.

    Der Red Bull Ring ist klasse, auch wenn ich die gelben Baguette-Wurst-was auch immer-Kerbs viel zu human finde. Wenn man sich anschaut, wie hoch die in der Formel 1 vor ein paar Wochen waren, dann kann man hier auch mit dem SF15-T noch ohne Probleme drüber, ohne groß Traktion zu verlieren, geschweige denn das Auto.

    Hier in dem DLC sind nicht die Baguette Curbs, das sind die normalen Sausages-Curbs. Die sind nicht so Gefährlich, gefährlich sind die tiefen Curbs (gerade in den letzten zwei Kurven) wann man da rüber räubert dann kann es schon passieren dass man einfach nach rechts od. links unkontrolliert abbiegt - ich weiß nicht warum du mit allerhöchster Bodenfreiheit fährst :coolface:

    P.S. an einen Admin/Moderator: Ich würde vorschlagen diesen und den vorherigen post (von Neckless) in den "Assetto Corsa Informationsthread" schieben, damit alles seine Ordnung hat.

  • 1.7.5
    - fixed pit timing for BMW M3 GT2
    - fixed encoding issues in some json files
    - fixed Steam achievement "Vallelunga Instructors are giving you the thumb, well done!"
    - fixed Steam achievement "You should be driving the real Formula Abarth! Poleman!"

  • Sehr interessant, vorallem für die FPS geplagten Rift Fahre so wie Stevo und meine Wenigkeit, 25fps mehr made my Day :thumbsup:

    Kunos Simulazioni’s lead programmer Stefano Casillo is working hard on the Assetto Corsa V1.8 update. In one of his latest Tweets, he reported that he has made some good progress optimizing the performance of the Assetto Corsa game engine, resulting in a very impressive FPS increase. Assetto Corsa V1.8 is announced to roll out on August 26.

  • Gestern gab es mal wieder einen Livestream vom Lord, wo auch auf die Performance Verbesserungen eingegangen wurde. Zudem wurden noch 3 Dreampack mit je 8 Porsches für dieses Jahr angekündigt, d.h. 24 Porsche und ein paar andere Auto, insgesamt über 30 Stück sollen dieses Jahr noch kommen. Dazu wird noch Silverstone 1960 released und evtl. noch eine lasergescannte Strecke.

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    Edit: BMW M6 GT3 erst früh im nächsten Jahr
    FXX-K, 488GTB und andere kommen als keines DLC, schätzungsweise wie das JPack

    Edit2: vom reddit kopiert

    Summary I made... might be missing something, hopefully I heard everything right (?)


    Q: Vulkan or DX12, for new engine in the future? (AC2 or whatever)

    A: Stefano would experiment what is most comfortable / best. In the last 10 years DirectX has been better. Early version of AC actually had OpenGL

    Q: How damage model works in AC? Would be nice to affect more open wheelers VS street car

    A: Open wheelers are already easier to damage at supsensions. Bodywork, only effect is aerodynamic. Simple damage model

    Q: How mods are selected to be official content? Most accurate physics VS. most popular mods?

    A: Generally speaking they just use the 3D model and do physics & sounds from scratch. So only 3D model matters to them

    Q: Possible to change clutch linearity?

    A: Stefano did that to the code. Aris reworked all the clutches, for every car. Making them less powerful. Easier to start, car a bit more stable when downshifting. Coming in 1.8 if I understood correctly

    Q: AI question, Exos isn't able to pass Abarth

    A: Stefano wrote some code for AI to understand when car is other class, to know to pass it. But some code was left from 1.7 that will be added.

    Q: Other historical tracks coming?

    A: Classic version of Silvestone is coming, not in 1.8 but in 2016, for free.

    Q: No AI in practice?

    A: Doesn't know if very necessary, but could be maybe added to launcher

    Q: Why AI is not coasting in corners, but brakes mid*corner annoyingly?

    A: It's not just AC, pretty much all racing games. Problem is how AI thinks in 1 and 0. If it's too fast to make the corner, it taps the brake. To make AI anazyle if it needs to coast or brake, would need complicated
    algorithm that would hurt performance. Maybe he will find solution, but at the moment, have to live with this

    Q: Steering reaction lag for AI, to avoid "super grip" when you hit them?

    A: It's been tested, but now turned off because AI wobbled around the track like lunatic, it looked ridiculous. Even when it switched back to normal algorithm, the AI couldn't realign the car
    Stefano made tests now with taking AI's stability control randomly off, so it slides into corners sometimes, similar to braking mistake. Was able to make AI even spin
    Unsure if it will be in 1.8, caused some probems, where AI wrecks his car & blocks the track. But looks promising
    Also, if you hit AI now his SC goes off momentarily. More natural reaction when hitting AI. If beta test goes well, might be released

    Q: Selling cars 1 by 1, instead of DLC packs

    A: Originally AC was going to be Free*to*play, and cars sold 1 by 1. But current approach Stefano thinks is better, the packs have something for everyone, and you can discover cars, that you didn't initially see as interesting.
    Like someone getting RP for modern F1, but then finding Maserati 250f nice car, which he wouldn't have considered


    * Improved reflections. On the car borders they were messed, and Stefano fixed the shader and smoother now

    * Big FPS improvement, but still getting Beta feedback, if the improvement is universal and just not for Stefanos PC

    * Better shadows. Car interiors in replays, and in track walls shadows more stable. Depends highly on sun position, but generally better looking

    * Lot of techincal talk. CPU is being more efficient and helps GPU render faster.


    * Trying to work on Blue Flag, punishment for not respecting it. At least in MP

    * Finishin the race on right lap. When you are 1 lap behind

    * All GT3 cars will most likely be in Tyre model 10


    Q: Revisiting damage & colision modeling?

    A: At this stage, not gonna happen

    Q: Spectator mode in MP?

    A: Yes, but it's complex thing and he wants it done properly in one go, big work

    Q: Rev lights on Fanatec wheel?

    A: Fanatec requires to have some libraries into the game, which cause problem. Something to do with Visual Studio 2013 vs. 2015

    Q: Vive support?

    A: Nothing yet

    Q: Marco is in the chat and asks if rain coming to AC :D

    A: No sorry, no rain Marco Massarutto

    Q: Question about something without post processing

    A: AC is designed to be used with PP. If you choose not to, you can, but good luck with that

    Q: Cross platform MP?

    A: No.

    Q: Rolling starts?

    A: Most likely no. They've tried to brainstorm about it, but it's making their head explode. SP easier, MP less

    Q: Custom championships for 1.8?

    A: Stefano hopes so. He is not the person working on it

    Q: More staff?

    A: Kunos has 1 new guy, who just started to work on AC Pro, but will be working on normal AC too. More staff needs more management. Stefano don't want that


    I didn't hear all of it since low volume & stronger italian accent (I'm not native speaker) than Stefano. But here what I could be (somewhat) sure of:

    MAIN THINGS (for me)

    * New track coming in 2016. Will be one of most asked tracks. Hoping to make announcement soon. Will not be Le Mans

    * Next DLC (August 26th) * Ferrari FXX K, Ferrari 488 GTB, Praga R1, Audi. This will NOT be free but very cheap

    * There will be 24 Porsches, divided into 3 DLC packs not 2

    * Porsche DLC volume 1 in September

    * 3 Porsches will be free bonus cars

    * Season Pass coming = All DLC Porsches with 1 purchase, very good price. Not sure if will work with Steam, to be confirmed


    * Kunos was 5 people and budget was 70 000 € when they started. Now development costs are at 3 million euro

    * In the beginning getting licences was hard, because unknown company

    * Now manufacturers contact Kunos. Including Porsche.. Porsche has partnership with Kunos, not just license.

    * Track licensing is tricky, very hard to catch with them and finalize deal. Most tracks don't have proper licensing department.

    * Did they say "No" to a manufacturer? They had to, to Maserati before 2016. Kunos didn't have time until now

    * Also a new well*known manufacturer contacted them recently, but they need to get on queue, because too many cars in production already

    * No expectations for console sales, too busy to worry about. Will obviously affect future

    * How to be programmer? Have to be skilled in C++, and to be independent (work without being told to work) Stefano joins to answers this


    * Porsche are fans of AC. They give lot of data. Better co*operation than ever before

    * 24 Porsche cars incoming (not 20) + more than 10 other cars in development. All the new manufacturers will have to wait next year

    * Old porsches, winner of 2015/2016 Lemans, new lineup 911, Cayman, Boxter, Panarema etc. All electronics modeled

    * P1 GTR confirmed, after Porsches. Maybe end of 2016 or January 2017

    * GT86 GT4? In queue. Candidate for next non*Porsche packs

    * Koenigsegg stopped to answer emails. But same with happened with Alfa Romeo 3 times and took them 18 months to get, so it's about person they were in contact with changing jobs. Doesn't mean "no"

    * Alfa Romeo Giulia? Some plans. Not confirmed, depends on Alfa Romeo

    * Alfa Romeo Stradale Tipo 53 also in (low) development

    * Cup cars? Audi TT 15 Cup in schedule, also Porsche Clubsport GT4, Porsche Carrera Cup

    * Maserati MC12 GT1 already in development

    * LMP cars? Yes. Audi R8 2014, Toyota TS040 and Porsche 2015/16

    * BMW M6 GT3 will come in beginning of 2017

    * New Lotus 3*Eleven in development

    * Audi R8 LMS 16. In development, in January 2017 probably

    * Aston Martini? Been in touch last year, but didn't find a good agreement

    * Peugeot is not coming into AC, at least into AC1

    * Full series is not an option for DLC, too expensive, revenues won't cover the expenses

    * Bentley? Marco doesn't see it happening

    * WTCC cars, don't see it's an option coming

    * Recent F1 cars? You just got some

    * No Subaru, not scheduled. Same for Lancia (?)

    * No plans for Bugatti, doesn't seem likely to see it in AC1


    * New track in Europe? Doesn't know, couple of options but not sure yet which

    * Suzuka. Marco tried hard for agreement, but way too expensive. After Nordschleife Marco's favourite track

    * Kunos rents laser scanners. They progress all the time, like smartphones, getting their own not good investment

    * AC doesn't have real tracks with fake names, and they don't want to start now

    * Modeling laser scanned open road track? Huge work. It's always development costs VS. revenues. Open road doesn't seem worth it

    * Portimão could be good option. But much less known, and there is always the marketing standpoint

    * Black Cat County was asked by Maserati and Porsche. Kunos got good feedback about it, so another fictional track will likely happen. Maybe Tuscany, Italy or Scotland

    * Other tracks like Zandvoort (non*scanned)? Outside of fictional, likely no

    * Sebring is not an option

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  • So ein Video kommt von Kunos? Ziemlich schwach wie ich finde, was soll das jetzt zeigen? Das der Typ weder mit Lenkrad noch mit Pad gescheit fahren kann? :D
    Anhand der Dislikes beim Video sieht man schon das man sich sowas locker Sparen kann, viele achten jetzt auf die Zeit und kommen dann sicherlich damit das man mit Pad jetzt wohl schneller ist als mit Lenkrad :S

  • Bis 29. August gibt es AC + alle Dreampacks bei Steam für 27,49€!
    Wer also überlegt an der kommenden AC GT3 Meisterschaft teilzunehmen und noch kein AC besitzt, sollte zuschlagen! ;)

  • Und ab morgen gibt es ein neues DLC und neuen free Content soweit ich gesehen habe.

    DLC: Ferrari FXX K, Ferrari 488 GTB, Praga R1
    free Content: Audi S1, Sopraelevata (10 km historische Strecke rund um Monza)

  • 1.8
    - New Ferrari FXXK (Tripl3 Pack DLC)
    - New Ferrari 488 GTB (Tripl3 Pack DLC)
    - New Praga R1 (Tripl3 Pack DLC)
    - New Audi S1 (A1)
    - New Monza 66 Full Course (sopraelevata)
    - New Monza 66 Junior Course
    - Improved reflection quality
    - Improved shadow stability
    - Improved graphics performances
    - Fixed Tyre Model 10 not updating Dx and Dy value in telemetry app
    - AI improvements on slower reaction after an impact, for more realistic collisions
    - Overlay Leaderboard now shows correct positions on the grid at race start
    - Fixed Laps app showing 0 as first lap
    - Fixed Race Control UI for the low resolution screens
    - Wrong direction penalty gets also time penalty
    - Added float clutch to SPageFilePhysics
    - Fixed turbolevel digital item showing a wrong value
    - Fixed various problems/timing on ghost cars
    - Fixed typo on sound distance attenuation for Lotus Evora GTC/GX
    - Fixed sample attack for BMW M3 e30 GrA/DTM limiters
    - Replay files will not reset anymore at session start (no need to rush out of the server anymore to save a replay)
    - Fixed remote cars head movements in multiplayer and multiplayer replays
    - Fixed typo on LaFerrari active differential lock in coast and small bumpstop stiffness changes
    - General improvements on V10 tyres for rolling resistance, flex, pressures and more.
    - Improved Maserati GranTurismo MC GT4 suspension, should improve braking without ABS
    - V10 tyres for Hypercars LaFerrari, McLaren P1, Pagani Huayra
    - V10 tyres for GT2 cars BMW M3 GT2, Ferrari 458 GT2, Corvette C7R
    - V10 tyres for Racing Hypercars Ferrari 599XX, Ferrari FXXK, Pagani Zonda R
    - Fixed ERS power output when battery is close to 0 and MGU-H is set to battery
    - Removed ERS cockpit controls for MGU-H and Recover in McLaren P1
    - Improvement in performance for collision detection and physic solver
    - Fixed clouds when switching sessions
    - Returning to pit during a time penalty results in a greater time penalty
    - Fixed possible drive through cheat
    - Fixed blurred objects not working if speed was negative
    - Fixed hotlap mode: now valid laps will be correctly registered
    - Removed white flag: a new message will appear the moment the race leader starts his last lap
    - Modding: extra animations now binded to three channels NUM 4, 5 and 6 (group animations to make them play simultaneously, otherwise each clip will be played separately)
    - Modding: rotating object support for cooling fans [ROTATING_OBJECT_0] in extra_animations
    - Modding: series scripts added for digital speed bars [SPEED_SERIE_0] in digital_instruments

  • 1.8.1
    - Launcher: reverted to pre-50 version of CEF for Vista compatibility
    - Launcher default theme: various fixes for tags (sorting, case sensitivity, cases where main car and upgraded car shared the same tag)
    - Added DRS signal in 488 GTB dashboard
    - Corrected inverted rear diffuser animation on 488 GTB
    - Launcher default theme: do not check for video resolution discrepancies in windowed mode
    - Tweaks on shadows bias, reintroduced last cascade fade in (reduce popup of distant objects)
    - Modding: Added INVERTED key in ANIMATION_ section (wing_animations.ini) to invert the animation
    - Corrected steer brake on McLaren MP4 12C and McLaren P1
    - Fixed some drift cars UI tags to allow an easier filtering
    - Fixed lap validity reset on open tracks (see Nordschleife Touristenfahrten)
    - Fixed 488 GT3's digital performance meter
    - Tweaked Aventador SV exterior volume
    - Tweaked Praga R1 interior volume

  • Was für einen Bug meinst du Paddy ? Ich bin immer noch auf 368.81 unterwegs mit meiner 1080er, da der neue 372.54 bei sämtlichen Communitys ja hochkant durchgerasselt ist...