Application for the F1 2019 league

  • Please introduce yourself briefly:

    Answer: My Name is Ben I am 16 Years Old.

    What racing games have you played?

    Answer: I have played F1 since 2016 and only F1.

    Do you already have league experience?

    Answer: I have joined several Leagues so far this season I joined two.

    Are you seriously interested in participating in the league in the long term, or do you just want to have a look?

    Answer: I am Interested to try out long term with this League.

    Do you count yourself among the faster or slower drivers?

    Answer: I would count myself in the higher category of drivers

    In which league do you want to compete (Friday League 50%, Sunday League 100%)?

    Answer: I will participate in full time in 50% and become a reserve for Sunday league race.

    How did you find us (google, steam, ...)?

    Answer: I found this through a friend who was willing to help me participate in this league.

    Why do you want to drive in the SimRC?

    Answer: Sounds like a competitive group with many people that are willing to be clean racers and I will to and this is one of the main reason I want to join.

    Finally, do a speed test!


    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Herzlich Willkommen, @Ben The Bear :D

    Ich bin der "WALL-E" der SimRC und heiße dich (wenn auch nur von einem Bot) herzlich Willkommen in unserer Community!

    Toll das du den Weg zu uns gefunden hast!

    In Kürze wird dir einer unserer Ligaleiter für den PC Bereich (HenkeTotal, Divinus01, Micha90play oder Starworx) antworten.

    Um die Wartezeit ein wenig zu verkürzen könntest du bis dahin, wenn nicht bereits schon getan, folgende Dinge durchgehen:

    • Reglement lesen
    • Strafenkatalog lesen
    • Teamspeak Client installieren und unseren Server als Favoriten speichern

    Ansonsten darfst du auch gerne weiter das Forum unsicher machen oder kannst dir einige Mitspieler für ein paar spontane Runden F1 suchen

    (kleiner Tipp: auf unserem TeamSpeak sind regelmäßig einige sehr nette Leute, bei denen Du sicherlich willkommen bist).

    Sollten noch Fragen offen sein, zögere nicht uns zu kontaktieren oder dich in unserer Shoutbox bemerkbar zu machen.

    Viel Spaß und viel Erfolg bei uns !

    Liebe Grüße,

    WALL-E :f1:

  • SimRC

    Hat das Label PC Liga hinzugefügt.
  • A very warm welcome @Ben The Bear :D!

    My name is Alex, alias @HenkeTotal and together with Divinus01, Micha90play and Starworx , we are the league organisation of the F1-PC department.

    For the start it would be helpful if you'd add us to your friends on Steam. If you want to join our (pretty inactive) Steam group, you can do this here .

    We would also like to invite you to a little test drive, to see your behavior on track with others (this is a requirement to participate in league races - but don't worry, it's not a tough challenge!). It would be helpful to maybe get some help translating our rulebook and penalty sheet , so you can understand what racing is all about here. For the actual test race, you can take part in our "Monday League" events (which, as you might imagine, happen on monday evenings). Just watch out for one of those and sign up in the appointment.

    As a general overview: our 2019 leagues have endet just a few weeks ago, but we're looking forward to go racing as soon as the new game F1 2020 gets released. We hope you'll stick with us until then, more information about the leagues, the usual procedures etc. will come in the next weeks. Btw, the "Monday League" events still happen, just the regular leagues have finished.

    Also, you can maybe find some people to have a nice chat or do some short races on our TeamSpeak (the icon in the header of the page will direct you there) or on our new Discord server (we'd advise you to connect your account here with Discord for best synchronisation - you can do this hitting the gear icon in the header, and going to "Discord-Synchronisation".

    If you have other questions, we're always available on either Steam, Discord or even the DMs on here!

    Looking forward to see you on track,

    HenkeTotal :rainbow:

  • SimRC

    Hat das Label PC Liga hinzugefügt.