Motorsport Manager

  • Das haben die Entwickler in V1.3 gepackt :

    New driver traits
    New mid and pre-season dilemmas
    Pre-season chassis dilemmas have been rebalanced
    Added safety car notification dilemmas
    Fixed pre-season car info panel exploit
    Fixed Chassis Stat related bugs in Car Design
    A mail now arrives once a year that allows the player to choose a new rule to vote into the current series
    Improved 2D liveries performance
    Simulate Session screen has been redesigned to provide more detail
    Practice simulation has been improved
    Added a popup to see chassis suppliers on the Team Screen and Car Screen
    Rebalanced the starting chassis suppliers of all teams
    Interviews have been given an overhaul with a new widget and new questions
    New interview-specific traits have been added that are gained by drivers reacting to the player's interview responses
    Fixed a bug where all journalists were Gabonese
    Rebalanced existing drivers with new traits and to suit the new GT teams
    Ex-Driver backstory now improves driver feedback stats and increases the improvement rates of drivers
    Politico backstory now also gives the perk of not having to pay to propose a new rule
    Can now request funds from the chairman each season
    Car liveries are now accurately displayed in races
    Pit-stop mistake times have been rebalanced
    Improved standings information during a session
    All drivers now have a weight in kg
    Road Car Factory now unlocks at level 3
    Player Manager stats now start at 8 instead of 10
    Improvability impact in Car Design has been doubled
    Car crash traits such as Whiplash and Cracked Rib have been re-balanced to be more impactful
    Car crash limit per race has been increased and re-balanced
    Fixed being able to build parts during pre-season
    Players can now automate the 'Clean Air' setup in qualifying
    Fixed an issue where drivers were given drive-through penalties during the practice session
    Fixed a bug where vehicles were coming back into the race after they had retired
    Fixed a bug where race messages would not appear when loading a race
    Fixed a bug where a team's fanbase would never increase or decrease
    Fixed a bug where the Balance, Standings and Track Guide drop down menus would be missing when loading a save
    Improved road textures in Milan near the 5th corner
    Fixed a Preferences Screen bug where all presets would default to low
    Contract Negotiation screen now displays additional information about current drivers
    Fixed multiple instances where journalists would refer to drivers with the incorrect gender
    Rebalanced race retirements
    Rebalanced driver desired championships and wins
    Fixed an issue where members of staff would retire too early
    Fixed a issue where chairmen would be hired and then quickly retire
    Rebalanced the peak ages of regenerated drivers
    Rebalanced team AI when they're first in their series
    The Grid Screen will now stop auto-scrolling when the player interacts with it
    Fixed an issue where relegated teams could still re-negotiate contracts with drivers who were valued above their new relegated series
    Changed the starting grid positions of the player's drivers in the tutorial race
    Fixed a racing line issue in Dubai where cars would appear to drive off the track at certain corners
    Fixed a car crash path in Vancouver that lead to cars going through concrete barriers
    Fixed an issue where some mechanic bonus icons did not reflect their actual bonuses
    Fixed an issue where inputs other then the mouse/keyboard were set as active
    Fixed an issue where qualifying position was not being correctly displayed in the driver form tab
    Fixed an issue where an old notification for a part being built wouldn't register as being read
    Fixed an issue where the Gone Rogue trait wouldn't behave correctly
    Fixed an issue where drivers would still send radio messages about their car after they had crashed or retired from the race
    Re-aligned the car model on the HQ Test Track
    Improved the visibility and apperance of the car during races
    Improved the performance of background videos
    Multiple performance improvements
    New Steam Achievements

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