Da Niko jetzt Mouz verlässt kram ich den Thread mal wieder aus.
Ich bin gespannt wies weiter geht und hab gerade so gar keinen Plan was kommt...
Das hier ist vom mouz CEO Cengiz Tüylü
ZitatFor the 2016 season NiKo has been the face of our CS:GO division and without doubt he will leave a big hole in our lineup at first. In Niko we will lose one of the most competitive individuals I have ever met in esports. He is a great player and a great character and will surely be missed. But it was also apparent that our team hasn't been going in the right direction lately. It wasn't about mousesports anymore and we can't have that. We built a great legacy over the past 15 years that we are proud of. In the future we want to reflect on our core values again and I hope that this way we can make amends with the fans that we disappointed in the past few months."The transfer became imminent after the disappointing ELEAGUE major where the team weren't able to live up to expectations. After the major, NiKo approached us with the wish to join FaZe. We agreed, that after all the effort he put in at mousesports, it was time to search for a solution that would benefit everyone involved. Together with FaZe, we worked out a mutually beneficial transfer. We see this as a big opportunity to rework our roster and build a much more homogeneous mousesports team that our fans can get behind again.The team will stay together until DreamHack Masters in Las Vegas and we are currently working on a mousesports team that will be able to compete at an elite level. A big thanks to all our loyal fans for the support.
Interessant finde ich "homogenous mousesports team that our fans can get behind" in der Verbindung mit "be able to compete at an elite level"... wer soll da überhaupt in Frage kommen? Eigentlich kann ich mir da erstmal nur vorstellen das chrisJ wieder kommt, das wäre zwar ziemlich langweilig und auch nur bedingt "elite level" aber für mich am homogensten und immerhin noch mit den Spielern die die Fans lange gefeiert (abgesehen vom üblichen flame) haben.
Laut https://twitter.com/neLendirekt soll scream übrigens noch nicht bei nV unterschrieben haben.
Hier der Tweet https://twitter.com/neLendirekt/status/829766883683532800
Was das bedeutet ist natürlich nur Vermutung aber sollte er kommen wäre es dann für mich eigentlich auch nicht unbedingt ein homogenes team. Viele Fans würde es aber sicher freuen und das "elite level" wäre vom aiming her näher an niko dran. holz mouz wäre es aber auch wieder.