iRacing Informationsthread
Anscheinend gibts da nen iRacer der schon als Race Engineer für 3.5 Teams gearbeitet hat, jetz versucht er den Kontakt herzustellen.
Wart mal, bei vortex fährt doch ein 3.5 race engineer fällt mir grad ein
Release Notes for 2016 Season 4 Patch 2 [2016.09.16.01]
– Power saving and screen savers are now turned off when the Sim launches.
– Fixed a bug that would cause your Options/Graphics/Max cars
selection to be sent only to the first server to which you connect while
remaining in the simulation. If you registered for a Race session far
enough ahead of time, and joined the pre-race Open Practice, the Open
Practice server would have been told of your selection. But when you
clicked on the [Race!] button inside the simulation to transition to the
Race session, the Race server would not be told of your selection, and
would instead use the default, maximum value.Rendering
– Windshield reflections have been disabled at night tracks.
– Fixed an issue where sometimes partially invisible cars would be present with large fields at Le Mans.
– All floating point exceptions (reporting in .logs and/or crashing
out) in the FG and BG have been disabled if the SIM is running on Wine
– Fixed a misspelling in the help text for the Far Terrain setting on the Options screen.
– Fixed an issue where the lollipop guy would sometimes appear in a T-pose.
Aston Martin DBR9 GT1
– Season setups have been updated.
– Tire warmers are now used for this car. Temperature is set to what
we would see with blankets or an oven, as used on GT3 cars.Audi Quattro GTO
– Season setups have been updated.
– Minor bug fix to selection of number of clutch plates for the rear
diff. The change increment was two plates, but the range of plates was 1
plate to 8 plates, resulting in strange selection increments depending
on where you started. The range has been changed to be from 2 plates to 8
plates.– Fixed a car number position issue with the official Audi 90 GTO paint scheme pattern.
– Fixed the misspelling of FELUERLOSCH-ANLAGE on the dashboard.
Chevrolet Corvette C6.R GT1
– Season setups have been updated.
– Tire warmers are now used for this car. Temperature is set to what
we would see with blankets or an oven, as used on GT3 cars.Dallara DW12
– Road course tire wear has been significantly increased to ensure more realistic degradation.
Ford GT
– Slight reduction in fuel consumption to try to hit target stint lengths.
– Tire warmers are now used for this car. Temperature is set to what
we would see with blankets or an oven, as used on GT3 cars.HPD ARX-01c
– Added a starter so the engine is able to re-fire if it is shut down when on track.
– Fixed a distortion issue with the mirror portals.
Circuit des 24 Heures du Mans
– Signage and advertisements have been updated.
– Adjusted several race control checkpoints.
– Le Mans is becoming more and more popular; additional crowds and cars have appeared at the track.
Nissan GTP ZX-T
Weiß dazu jemand etwas?
EDIT: Hat sich geklärt.
ZitatIn today’s minor patch/build, we decided to also release a new car. The Nissan ZX-T, a 1989 GTP Car! We will place this car in a series with the Audi 90 that we released last week in a mixed class series. The series will be called the Kamel-GT Championship. The Series will start with the new race week tonight! The series will race primarily on the tracks that were raced during that era in the IMSA series.
Jo is die Überraschung von morgen, sie habens nur heute schon released weil eh ein Update gemacht wurde. Is dann zusammen mit dem Audi in einer Serie ab morgen
Pick up some bonus credits now and save some cash. Take advantage of this special offer, before time runs out! You can use these credits to purchase cars and tracks, extend your membership or purchase hosted sessions.
Purchase $20 of iRacing credits and get 25 total credits
Purchase $75 of iRacing credits and get 100 total credits.
Enter promo code PR-100CREDITOCTOBER in your shopping cart to redeem the 100 for $75 offer or enter promo code PR-25CREDITOCTOBER to redeem the 25 for $20 offer.
Offer valid through October 19, 2016. Each promotion may only be used once. iRacing credits and iRacing dollars are not transferable.
Jürgen just received his Leo Bodnar SLI-F1 Display today for his ProtoGT Championship and is blown away! Thanks to @LeoBodnar & @iRacing! pic.twitter.com/XylB5HzoWU
— SimRC.de (@SimRC_de) 7. Oktober 2016SimRC.de Crimson (#33) & SimRC.de Iris (#34) can't wait for the first round of the @NEOendurance Series! 16.10 is showtime
— SimRC.de (@SimRC_de) 7. Oktober 2016#NES #iRacing pic.twitter.com/WDsdzAFNEI
Just 1 week until the start of season 3! It promises to be an exciting season, thanks to a very competitive field. #iRNEO pic.twitter.com/jd8LYOAv2K
— NEO (@NEOendurance) 9. Oktober 2016 -
GES Hosted Practice Session - 11.10.2016 20:00 bis 22:00 Uhr
Hey Leute,Team Cyan hosted heute von 20-22 Uhr eine Practice Session für die GES auf Road America! Ihr seit alle herzlich eingeladen auch vorbeizuschauen und euch mit den Teamkollegen auszutauschen!!
Server PW wird auf Mumble weitergegeben.
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1a artikel!
würde aber in zukunft davon absehen, von motorsport zu sprechen. gibt scließlichlich keine motoren
rennsport ist ne gute alternative imo
Die Motoren fürs FFB müssen reichen.
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Ist übrigens nur eins der geplanten Ferrari Modelle laut iRacing
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GIbt es dieses Jahr eigentlich wieder den BlackFriday?