ZitatAC&rF2 Darche PX1. UVs/template and basic textures are done. Skins missing and the car is going ingame this week. Once ingame i will drop new screens here.

[AC] URD Mod PX1
wie schauts eigentlich mit dem mod aus? ab schon lange nix mehr von URD gehört, weiß jemand von euch was?
Achja letzte woch is der porsche (darche) rausgekommen
AC-Today we will release update for PX+new car Shiro and new version of EGT.
rF2-PX update+Shiro will be released tomorow
(That is basicly so i have sorted uploads, emails send out...)
Hi there,
Great news! New updates are available for PX Assetto Corsa Pre-order.
Click the big "Download files" button below to get the updated version right now!PX package V0.097
-Shiro PX1 added
-New V10 tire model
-Updated V3 aerodymanics model
-New Exhaust flames
-Updated brakes with temperature featureBest Regards,
UnitedRacingDesignGibt auch schon einen Patch, für die die die Mail noch nicht gelesen haben