iRacing Informationsthread

  • Momentan ist iRacing bei Steam im Sale, 25€ für 12 Monate, es gibt die Möglichkeit das ganze auch auf einen bestehenden Account zu laden. Mein Account wäre nächsten Monat abgelaufen, ich habe mir das ganze auf Steam gekauft und nun habe ich genau ein Jahr iRacing, ACHTUNG, sollte euer Account noch lange bestehen so macht diese Aktion keinen Sinn. Das Jahr bei Steam wird nicht draufgeschrieben, sondern alles davor wird ersetzt.


    OK so here's the process. I've just done this and a friend has also used the same process, both with success. Both of us did not buy iRacing through Steam initially - we both signed up in 2009, long before iRacing-Steam integration was a thing.

    A word of caution: this will overwrite/replace your existing subscription. It will not add it on. Your new expiry date will be the the day you bought it, plus one year, even if you bought a new subscription via iRacing's member site yesterday.

    1. Link Steam account to iRacing, via iRacing member site 'My Account' page. (I did this a while ago, my friend did it today. Doesn't seem to matter either way.)
    2. Remove iRacing from Steam library via a Steam support page (search for iRacing, click the iRacing entry, find the 'I want to remove this permanently from my account' option, follow the steps. Account will stay linked, it's just not in your Steam library any more).
    3. Check Steam account is linked by trying to login to iRacing member site via Steam. If you get to your normal profile page through Steam login, it's linked.
    4. Purchase 1 year sub via Steam. This will re-add it your Steam library, but that doesn't matter.
    5. No need to install iRacing via Steam - it's not necessary.
    6. Log in to iRacing member site via Steam and check My Account page for expiry date.
    7. EDIT: cancel the Steam subscription so it doesn't renew a year from now via a Steam support page.


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