Gelb direkt in Kombination mit Weiß gefällt mir nicht so sehr, da muss etwas dunkles dazwischen, ansonsten irgendwie
Schwarz/Gelb dagegen passt ganz gut.
Beiträge von DOC
Ich kann es noch nicht sagen, momentan eher nein.
Matt #797:
<a href=''target="_blank"><img src=''/></a><a href=''target="_blank"><img src=''/></a>
geht schon wieder
Changelog für den heutigen Patch:
- Functionality of the Race Panel has been restored when the user is on the Series Stats page.
- An issue preventing racer counts from populating correctly, as well as race position selection from displaying, has been fixed.
- Fixed an issue with Heat Builder that was causing Position Builder and Racer Count to throw an error.
- Added functionality for scrolling while dragging racers around the Race Setup Grid.
- The "Past Seasons" page has been removed from the "Results & Stats" section of the website.
- Fixed an issue where sometimes the server would not use the space available to transmit opponent cars to you, leading to cars disappearing, especially when you were on or near pit road.
- Fixed an issue that was incorrectly interpreting the values implied by your "My Account/Preferences/Connection Type" selection. This incorrect interpretation made the system think you had less available bandwidth than your selection. This could have led to less data being sent to you, resulting in the display of a fewer number of cars and possibly bad or missing voice chat.
DirectX 11
- Fixed an issue where shadow volume geometry was being created at load time even when the "ShaderQuality" option in the "DX11.ini" file was set to 0.
- Fixed a bug where performing a driver swap would not transfer how cured the tire's rubber was to the next driver, so the next driver would be able to continue on much faster rubber without having taken the time to swap a tire.
-- Please note that a separate existing bug, where the reported values in the Tire Info's Black Box may not show the correct values during a driver swap, has not been fixed at this time, but you may be assured that the physics and racing behavior are working correctly.Voice Chat
- Fixed an issue that could have caused your own voice chat to be discarded instead of being sent to the server, especially if your bandwidth selection, in the "My Account/Preferences/Connection Type" dropdown on the website, was at the default "128K or faster" selection (which is the minimum value).
Indycar Dallara circa 2011
- The black backing of the IZOD logo on the nose of the vehicle has been removed.
Kia Optima
- The time variance for re-fueling during endurance races has been reduced significantly, making total pit stop time more consistent.
McLaren MP4-30
- Adjusted the Energy Recovery System (ERS) so that it is now able to handle throttle pedal calibrations in which the sensor reading is greater than zero when the pedal is released. Any reading less than 5% is now considered to be a zero reading for throttle.
NASCAR Sprint Cup Chevrolet SS
- This vehicle no longer allows fuel adjustments before a race session. It will always use a full tank, as it does when a race session begins. This fixes various issues that arose from allowing sessions prior to the race to use a different amount of fuel. This fuel behavior is now identical to all other NASCAR series on iRacing.
- Added a new vehicle setup for Richmond International Raceway (Day), making the previous vehicle setup for Richmond International Raceway (Night).
NASCAR Sprint Cup Ford Fusion
- This vehicle no longer allows fuel adjustments before a race session. It will always use a full tank, as it does when a race session begins. This fixes various issues that arose from allowing sessions prior to the race to use a different amount of fuel. This fuel behavior is now identical to all other NASCAR series on iRacing.
- Added a new vehicle setup for Richmond International Raceway (Day), making the previous vehicle setup for Richmond International Raceway (Night).
NASCAR Sprint Cup Toyota Camry
- This vehicle no longer allows fuel adjustments before a race session. It will always use a full tank, as it does when a race session begins. This fixes various issues that arose from allowing sessions prior to the race to use a different amount of fuel. This fuel behavior is now identical to all other NASCAR series on iRacing.
- Added a new vehicle setup for Richmond International Raceway (Day), making the previous vehicle setup for Richmond International Raceway (Night).
Paddy #014:
<a href=''target="_blank"><img src=''/></a><a href=''target="_blank"><img src=''/></a>
Dann musst du entweder ein gutes Bild machen, ähnliche Position wie beim Aston Martin oder du lädst mir ein Replay hoch
Ich werde es morgen mal machen, sieht dann in etwa so aus:
Brauche halt noch deine Startnummer @Shimme1994---------------------
Matt willst du eine mit dem Mazda oder mit dem Mercedes?
Schon mal alle Kabel abgesteckt und durchgepustet? Hatte sowas auch mal
Ich sehe gerade das die google docs Seite aktualisiert wurde, so gehört sich das
Also bei den Namen muss ich immer an etwas anderes denken
Veterans: Alte Fahrer im Rentenalter
Junior Club: Fahrer zwischen 13-17
Bei solche Abkürzungen sehe immer zuerst die Verbindung mit dem alter, keine Ahnung wie das bei anderen ist. -
So verkehrt finde ich das mit der Trennung nicht, ein gewisses Niveau um ein Team zu präsentieren sollte man halt haben und das ist hier jetzt auch nicht zu Hochgegriffen mit 2k iR. Ein realistisches Ziel für jeden hier.
Ich stimme dir aber zu das der Name "F1RC" nicht ganz zu einem Team passt welches meistens bei GT Rennen zu sehen sein wird. Vielleicht kann man es ja zu "SRC #701" oder "RC #701" ändern, klingt weniger nach F1 und mehr nach SimRC.
Man sollte aber natürlich in einem der SimRC Teams sein um eine Signatur zu bekommen. (glaube ich zumindest)
Das bedeutet halt 2k iR und A Lizenz.
Eine Signatur für die Junioren habe ich nicht. -
Der M3 ist doch ein GT2 Auto oder nicht?
Audi R8 - Mazda MX5 Global - Formula Renault 2.0 - Aston Martin GT1 - Ford GT
Das sind die Autos mit neuem Skin. Man sollte aber natürlich in einem der SimRC Teams sein um eine Signatur zu bekommen. (glaube ich zumindest)
Erstmal den Artikel mit einem Stern bewerten
Schreibt fischi eine PN an euch, dann passiert hier auch nichts im Thread, darauf wollte ich hinaus
Alles andere ist halt irgendwie typisch für diese Liga.
Also ich schätze fischi jetzt nicht als jemanden ein der damit jemanden Persönlich angreifen wollte.
Nur mal ein kleiner Pro Tipp von mir:
Wenn jemand etwas gegen eine Entscheidung der LL und RL hat dann am besten eine Konversation starten, muss nicht immer alles im Forum geklärt werden, man sieht ja was daraus immer wird.Ansonsten finde ich das ein hinweis an fischi auch gereicht hätte.
- Functionality of the Race Panel has been restored when the user is on the Series Stats page.
- An issue preventing racer counts from populating correctly, as well as race position selection from displaying, has been fixed.
- Fixed an issue with Heat Builder that was causing Position Builder and Racer Count to throw an error.
- Added functionality for scrolling while dragging racers around the Race Setup Grid.
- Fixed an issue that might have caused the loss of voice chat and/or dynamic track updates from the server when using the “1Mbit/sec or higher” bandwidth selection in sessions with 58 or more cars.
- Enhanced the Crash Dumper to log additional info when a freeze is detected.
- Fixed an issue with altered thread priorities on Windows 10 systems.
DirectX 11
– Fixed an issue where the drop shadow of a car was sometimes rendered using the texture of a different car.
– Fixed an issue where random flickers of geometry could be rendered with some particles.
- Fixed some large pauses that would occur while loading due to shadow volumes.
– The Alt+Tab functionality of the Sim has been adjusted due to several issues that could occur, such as crashing during exiting or notifications causing the screen to go completely black. The new changes work as follows:
- - The Sim may be toggled between Full-Screen Mode and Windowed Mode by pressing Alt+Enter.
- - When running in Full-Screen Mode, Alt+Tab toggles the Sim into Windowed Mode.
- - When running in Windowed Mode, Alt+Tab switches the active app focus as normal.
- - The Sim will not automatically toggle back into Full-Screen Mode when regaining active app focus. Be sure to use Alt+Enter to toggle back into Full-Screen Mode from Windowed Mode.
- - The Sim may automatically switch from Full-Screen Mode to Windowed Mode for several reasons including certain program notifications, or DXGI detecting another window suddenly overlapping the Sim window. A registry setting, "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\DXGI\DisableFullscreenWatchdog", may modify some of this DXGI behavior. Experiment at your own risk!
- - If you experience problems with Full-Screen Mode, a highly recommended alternative is to use Windowed Mode with a full-screen sized borderless window. This may be configured during the auto-configuration or using the Graphics Options screen inside the Sim.PopcornFX
- We have worked with the folks at PopcornFX and fixed an issue where the Sim could freeze when the Particle Detail setting is at the "Medium" or "High" value. With this fix, please feel free to adjust the Particle Detail setting as you wish. If you increase the Particle Detail setting and start to experience application freezes, please try reducing it back to the "Low" value and contact Customer Support for advice.
- Fixed a pedal calibration bug with certain custom pedal boards.
- Fixed a bug that prevented users from using the S, V, and ; keys when naming a new radio channel.
Audi R8 LMS GT3
- Ride height sensitivity of aerodynamics has been reduced to increase stability when sudden changes in track elevation and track camber occur.
Dallara DW12
- Fixed a bug so that brake pressure bias value is now displayed in the Garage and F8 Black Box instead of the brake bar bias value. This fix has no effect on existing car setups, it only corrects the displayed value for brake bias.
Formula Renault 2.0
- Fixed a bug so that brake pressure bias value is now displayed in the Garage and F8 Black Box instead of the brake bar bias value. This fix has no effect on existing car setups, it only corrects the displayed value for brake bias.
Mazda MX-5 Cup
- The maximum allowable suspension damping has been reduced to ensure the dampers are numerically stable while driving.
McLaren MP4-30
- Fixed an issue where the Energy Recovery System (ERS) was unable to toggle from Adaptive Deployment Mode back to Fixed Deployment Mode.
Mercedes-AMG GT3
- Slightly improved fuel economy to equalize stint lengths against other GT3 cars.
- Very slightly reduced downforce to enhance balance between GT3 cars.
Super Late Model
- Vehicle setups have been updated.