Beiträge von Gianni_

    Naja musst halt gucken das du die auf 180 circa bekommst aber ich schick dir mal meins heute Abend :D
    An der Übersetzung hab ich nichts gemacht eigetnlich wobei es mir so vorkommt das man im 6ten Gang auf der Kemel eigentlich verhungert :D

    Ging nicht früher leider
    Das 17:45 GMT Rennen kann ich nur bedingt mitfahren sollte es auf der Rückfahrt vom Flughafen nicht zu viel Stau geben wer dich sas sicher packen :)

    Release Notes for 2016 Season 4 Patch 2 [2016.09.16.01]



    – Power saving and screen savers are now turned off when the Sim launches.


    – Fixed a bug that would cause your Options/Graphics/Max cars
    selection to be sent only to the first server to which you connect while
    remaining in the simulation. If you registered for a Race session far
    enough ahead of time, and joined the pre-race Open Practice, the Open
    Practice server would have been told of your selection. But when you
    clicked on the [Race!] button inside the simulation to transition to the
    Race session, the Race server would not be told of your selection, and
    would instead use the default, maximum value.


    – Windshield reflections have been disabled at night tracks.

    – Fixed an issue where sometimes partially invisible cars would be present with large fields at Le Mans.

    – All floating point exceptions (reporting in .logs and/or crashing
    out) in the FG and BG have been disabled if the SIM is running on Wine


    – Fixed a misspelling in the help text for the Far Terrain setting on the Options screen.


    – Fixed an issue where the lollipop guy would sometimes appear in a T-pose.


    Aston Martin DBR9 GT1

    – Season setups have been updated.

    – Tire warmers are now used for this car. Temperature is set to what
    we would see with blankets or an oven, as used on GT3 cars.

    Audi Quattro GTO

    – Season setups have been updated.

    – Minor bug fix to selection of number of clutch plates for the rear
    diff. The change increment was two plates, but the range of plates was 1
    plate to 8 plates, resulting in strange selection increments depending
    on where you started. The range has been changed to be from 2 plates to 8

    – Fixed a car number position issue with the official Audi 90 GTO paint scheme pattern.

    – Fixed the misspelling of FELUERLOSCH-ANLAGE on the dashboard.

    Chevrolet Corvette C6.R GT1

    – Season setups have been updated.

    – Tire warmers are now used for this car. Temperature is set to what
    we would see with blankets or an oven, as used on GT3 cars.

    Dallara DW12

    – Road course tire wear has been significantly increased to ensure more realistic degradation.

    Ford GT

    – Slight reduction in fuel consumption to try to hit target stint lengths.

    – Tire warmers are now used for this car. Temperature is set to what
    we would see with blankets or an oven, as used on GT3 cars.

    HPD ARX-01c

    – Added a starter so the engine is able to re-fire if it is shut down when on track.

    – Fixed a distortion issue with the mirror portals.


    Circuit des 24 Heures du Mans

    – Signage and advertisements have been updated.

    – Adjusted several race control checkpoints.

    – Le Mans is becoming more and more popular; additional crowds and cars have appeared at the track.

    Wie sieht es den aus mit der Autowahl?

    Könnte den R8 und C Spec anbieten aber gegeneinander in einer Klasse zu fahren wäre doch viel witziger also absprechen können wir uns ja :D

    Im Forum hat Dustin einen neuen SoF Slot schon vorgeschlagen, mit Samstag 17:45 or 19:45 GMT.

    Das 17:45 GMT eben ist gesplittet aber es wäre natürlich umso besser wenn man da 7-8 Anmeldungen mehr zusammen bekommt weil das dann natürlich mehr Interesse weckt :D